Foto Friday – Veteran’s Day Salute

Foto Friday – Veteran’s Day Salute


Having served in the unpopular Vietnam War, coming home to derision

and silent rebuke, this day always brings a degree of sadness.  We remember the

young men who went missing, killed in action, or were wounded in this war.

We remember the emotional and psychological turmoil of those who served

and returned to pick up their stateside lives again.

We remember you.


Vietnam War Photos


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Foto Friday – A Grand Rapids Veteran’s Vietnam Memory

Foto Friday – A Grand Rapids Veteran’s Vietnam Memory

 Swimming pool with Banana Trees in front of my hooch

Ahhh, tropical Vietnam, a vacationer’s delight.  In 1970, this scene

was right outside my hooch [Army barrack’s room] anytime I wanted to

take a dip.  It was a regular cement pool with all the trimmings installed

by our engineering group.

Because our base was in the Central Highlands, we were definitely

back country and had few extras or other signs of civilization, unlike Cam Ranh

Bay which had paved streets with street lights. The pool was our pride and joy.

The story I heard was that a certain high ranking officer ordered

the pool for his base on the coast.  When the supplies to build it arrived

in-country, our engineering group happened to spot it sitting on the docks.

A Chinook was handy and going our way, the rest is history.


The authors of the this blog write about Grand Rapids Real Estate, the Greater

Grand Rapids MI area, and what it is like to live in West Michigan. Grand Rapids

Michigan is a vibrant, growing metropolitan area with a diverse business community,

great medical research & services, numerous universities, plus lively arts and

entertainment of all kinds.

We believe: Grand Rapids is a Great Place to Live!

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Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids MI Real Estate

Contact Terry   616-292-7263