6 Tips on Moving to Grand Rapids with Pets

6 Tips on Moving to Grand Rapids with Pets

Moving day can be very traumatic for pets.  Take some time to plan

ahead and make their move go smoothly to minimize the stress for both

of you.


yorkie traveling in the car

1.  Veterinarian : new/old records – When leaving your old vet you

should ask for your old records and put them in a folder that you have with

you at all times. Pets tend to get sick at the most inopportune moments.

It is helpful if you can make contact with a new veterinarian before you

move into your new home.  If possible, send copies of your old records

to your new vet, so they can have some insight into your pet’s medical history.


2. Name Tag Update: Getting a new tag for your pet with their new address

can be a good precaution. What if your pet gets lost in their new neighborhood?

Or they get lost on the way to your new home?  Having the new address on their

tags saves a lot of time and it is one less thing you have to do when you arrive

and moved into your new home.


3. Bathroom Time:  On moving day, the safest place for your pets is the

bathroom.  The door can closed, they will feel safer, and there is no worry

that they will escape outside when the movers are going back and forth

with your furniture and belongings.  Post a note on the door so visitors don’t

unintentionally let them out!


4. Meds on Hand: It is a good idea to have all your pets medications and

special dietary needs in a separate carry bag.  When traveling, we always

have a bag with all of our dogs special items, so we can reach them quickly.


5. Pet Friendly Motels: Research the motels that will take pets

so you know where they are welcome.  When traveling, it is nice to know

that you have alternatives if something goes awry.


6. Be Aware of Local Laws & Restrictions: Your new city or neighborhood

may have leash laws and other pet restrictions. Some condominiums will only

allow smaller dogs, some neighborhoods require fencing, and even if it isn’t a

law, most locales recommend bagging your own poop! Knowing ahead of time

can save a lot of neighbor to neighbor conflict.


The authors of the this blog write about Grand Rapids Real Estate,

the Greater Grand Rapids MI area, and what it is like to live in West

Michigan. We believe: Grand Rapids is a Great Place to Live!

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Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids MI Real Estate

Contact Terry   616-292-7263


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